Success Story as Entrepreneur - Mr. Mohamed Hassouna

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    Published in Events
  • Wednesday, 27 November 2019 14:01
Success Story as Entrepreneur - Mr. Mohamed Hassouna

On 4th Dec. 2019 {1:00 pm - 3:00 pm} @ G102B


within the framework of the university's efforts in spreading and adopting the idea of ​​entrepreneurship and providing all technical and scientific support and coordination with various funding sources for students and graduates of the university to help them launch their own startup.

The Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship at MSA University is hosting Mr. Mohamed Hassouna, Senior Adviser to the Minister and First Undersecretary at the Ministry of Public Business Sector in charge of SOE reform program in Egypt to talk about his success story as one of the entrepreneurs in Egypt on Wednesday, December 04, 2019 at 01:00 pm in the G Building, Room G-102B


Biography of Mr. Mohamed Hassouna:


Combining academic background in management (BA and MBA from AUC) and SOE reform with 30 years of hands-on experience in various aspects of public sector reform at the Ministry of Public Business Sector, Mr. Hassouna developedin-depth knowledge of in SOE-related programs including SOE restructuring, corporate finance, corporate governance, privatization and other areas of SOE reform.


This entailed other activities of relevance including dealing with – and often participating in studies/researches by - international organizations (like WB, OECD, IMF, USAID …) which have developmental goals.


Academic background includes attending professional programs in several university like the American University in Washington, Harvard University (Cambridge) and others, in addition to obtaining the BA (Economics) and MBA from the American University in Cairo, currently serving as a member on of its Executive Council of the Business Department.


Membership in many committees and representation of the Ministry on seminars, conferences and events in Egypt and overseas enhanced the appetite for continuous research covering various fields and on several occasions published by renowned organizations like OECD in the last few years.In addition to academic teaching experience in areas of finance and management in AUC, Mr. Hassouna acts as instructor on restructuring and corporate governance to various audience especially chairmen and corporate management of Egyptian SOEs since 2007 to date.


It is worth mentioning that he was part of the committee involved in producing the CG code for SOEs and its revision in accordance with OECD 2015 code that was adopted by the G20.