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Urban Complexity of Heritage Areas In A Workshop at MSA

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Urban Complexity of Heritage Areas In A Workshop at MSA

MSA Architecture Department of Faculty of Engineering organised a conference and a workshop titled “The Urban Architectural Complexity of The Heritage Areas” and the endeavours to save it from mixed modernization. Professor/ Dr Nawal El Degwi Head of the Board of Trustees, stated that the main prospective of this conference was to raise awareness of protecting the Heritage Areas from the over whelming modern constructions that prevailed these areas haphazardly and smeared the Historic Heritage of Old Cairo.

Dr Degwi also added that MSA is so concerned about the environmental beauty besides the humanitarian well being of these areas dwellers as well as its concern of developing the slums and the under privileged areas. MSA is always preoccupied by improving the social standard of living of the affected area by establishing touristic markets to promote the handcrafted products and monuments to alter it into an open museum to enrich its inhabitants and encourage them to sustain the monuments.

It’s worthy to mention that MSA called other nine governmental and private universities to contribute in that conference to enlighten the students with its importance.

This workshop main target was to replace the valuable lost monuments with replicas in order to sustain its architectural and historic importance. Cairo is considered one of the oldest cities encompassing remnants of historical districts that have been built centuries ago; nevertheless it has been suffering lack of identity and character, in addition to the arising gap between where we live and the less fortunate inhabitants of informal areas.
This workshop highlighted designated zones of “Darb El- Ahmar / Al Hattaba” district and studied reasons behind the disastrous conditions without ignoring the inhabitants’ needs and traditions while making the best we can of our potentials and our rich cultural deteriorating heritage.
Professor/ Dr Nawal El Degwi , Head of the Board of trustees, attended the conference together with Dr Rasem Badran the international architecture expertise